Lauren's Testimony

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So, most of you probably already know that I opened my mission call last night.  Oh man.  It is so crazy! I still can't believe it's happening.  That I'm going on a mission.  It is so easy to find reasons why I shouldn't go, but the reason I should is too powerful to listen to the reasons why I shouldn't.  And that reason is that I love my Savior Jesus Christ and this gospel, and I desperately want everyone to know of its sweetness, to know how it can change his or her life, to know that families can be together for time and all eternity.  I want everyone to feel the love of the Savior and to know that each and every one of us can be healed because he made the ultimate sacrifice.  My heart is so full of an inexpressible joy because of the gospel, and I want to share it with everyone, so they can be filled with joy too.  This gospel is the reason I am so happy.  Who can be frustrated and annoyed when you see that all God has created, from rain to grass, to flowers, to imagination, to books, to people?  That doesn't mean I never become upset or am never frustrated or angry, but it helps me to let go of those feelings.  I know that through the Lord, I can do all things, so there is no reason to fear or to worry.  All will work out as He has planned, and it will be more glorious than we could ever imagine.

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